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Esmerelda Lee

Love Inspires Action

The world has been watching horrible events unfold in the Ukraine. But amidst the broken rubble of war are seeds of bravery, courage, inspirational leadership, and love.

When looking at the metrics of sheer military force – machinery, technology, and available troops – most would have predicted a quick and devastating victory for Russia days ago. However, the uncompromising unity and stalwart solidarity of countless Ukrainians has defied the odds and served as a beacon of hope to many. Their bravery has inspired the world.

Consequently, I have been reflecting on numerous stories about their willingness for self-sacrifice.

What makes an elderly woman evoke brazen courage to step up to a young Russian soldier and offer him sunflower seeds, so their legacy is intertwined? I imagine the soldier had very little choice in his decision to follow the orders of his despotic Russian leader. Yet in that moment, he was faced with an olive branch of kindness rather than aggression. As for the elderly Ukrainian lady, her nation's leader used inspiration rather than coercion or intimidation to rally his fellow citizens to band together against an invading army.

Every day, we make decisions – some are required, and others are "inspired." With each decision, we may choose love and kindness in the face of adversity. We can offer ourselves as peacemakers and try to diffuse tensions and conflicts in whatever circumstances may arise.

What causes a pageant queen, a journalist, or a housewife to take up arms against an overwhelming military force? These are women who many might deem vulnerable, helpless, and ineffective in war. Yet, when confronted by a calamitous social injustice, they rose to the occasion.

What makes a young child leverage her art skills to raise funds for her country? This selfless and heroic act in the face of chaos and despair is inspiring.

What makes an ordinary man reach down and pick up a hand grenade and walk into the field without regard for his own life, to save the lives of others?

Ordinary women, men, and children like these are doing extraordinary things in moments of necessity. These stories of Ukrainians and their remarkable displays of heroism appeal to our moral compass. The stories exemplify people who gave no thought to their own personal safety. Instead, they chose to stand together for the greater good and love of their nation.

Many around the world understandably and justly stand in condemnation of the aggressors, particularly the Russian president. At the same time, I am reminded that it is only when we see the darkness in others that we can resolve the darkness within ourselves.

In our world, we go about our day complaining of the wilting greens on our plate and increased fuel prices. We are grateful that we are not forced to reside in subway tunnels or leave everything behind to forge through a night of gunfire. Sometimes, we look with disdain at those who are different from us.

Within all of us is a choice between darkness and light. Do we act on behalf of our colleague, neighbor, or friend? When a customer refuses service from someone who looks different, do we have the fortitude to stand against this discrimination, or do we docilely accept injustice? When we walk into a room and others are jeering at those who may be physically frail, do we ignore the behavior or identify with the victim and seek to intervene?

In the Bible, a rabbi once asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?"

Love is action. Acting on behalf of others when we see social injustice, inequality, and disparity is inspired by love.

My hope is that seeing the countless acts of selfless sacrifice being displayed by Ukrainians does not just merely evoke self-reflection. I hope it inspires us to action.

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